Consumer products

ChewEx - Rescuer of your clothes!

ChewEx is another example of a product that was inspired by aeronautical development. This special chewing gum remover is designed to effectively remove chewing gum and other sticky debris from clothing without damaging fabrics. With its origins in the aerospace industry, ChewEx is developed with material friendliness and maximum effectiveness in mind, making it an essential tool for removing dirt from clothing.

ChewEx before application


ChewEx after application


Consumer products

Consumer products are an essential part of our households, and their development can be inspiring. This is also the case with products such as KarbonEx and ChewEx, which have their origins in the aerospace industry. Thanks to innovative technologies and insights from helicopter manufacturing, these chemical products have become indispensable helpers for household maintenance and cleanliness.

NA Engineering s.r.o.

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DIČ: CZ27371174

SCHRÁNKA: d9epemg




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